ROX Radio


Monday, February 14, 2022

NATTAS: In League With Satan? You betcha!


If it makes metal this good!

Black Metal/Thrash band NATTAS hail from Stockholm, Sweden and they pull no punches. With a an E.P. and two full length albums behind them, the band are taking the world by storm with thier latest EP "Domino" (released on N666 in 2020). Five brutal tracks that prove these guys are still as dark and aggressive since their formation in 1999.

We caught up with the guys to ask some probing questions....

Firstly, how about you guys introduce yourselves to our readers. Who's in the band?

 Alrighty then! Here we are!

Mouth on vocals, Engine on bass, Wead, the adaptive Satanist on guitar and The Steel hitting the drums.

Together we form NATTAS. A black/thrash band from Stockholm, Sweden. Here for your pleasure and hopefully providing a pre-party wherever you are going.

When did NATTAS form? Where any of you in bands before?

 1999 . That is the start. At that time we had no bigger experience of being in a touring and recording band. That has changed quite a lot now, since, apart from our own records, some of us have been touring the world multiple times and probably appears on close to a hundred albums. Kind of bizarre, isn’t it?

 Your first demo. was in 1999 called "Axiom"?

 Yes. That is correct.

 Over the years and after releasing two more demos, two EPs and two albums, how do you

feel your music and playing has evolved?

 We have most certainly evolved since that time. New members in the band, years that have passed, beers that been swallowed… We are a never ending progressing wheel.

Tell us about your 2020 EP Domino

 Yes… Domino was, for us, foremost a proof of life. It was recorded at SolnaSound, one of Stockholms finest studios (owned by Simon Johansson of Wolf and Memory Garden) over a period of… nearly two years. We had been dwelling in the cellar for too long and we really needed to get new music out there and, unfortunately, the whole corona situation hit the world at exactly the same time it was released. We were touring the Netherlands and Belgium at the time, missed out on Belgium due to extremely bad weather (!), got home and the world closed. That poor record never got a chance!

How did recording go?

 It went well!

It is extremely nice to work in a studio you like and with people that understands your thoughts and intentions.

What's next for NATTAS? Another EP or a full length album?

 That is a bit of a questionmark for us too at this point. We have a lot of recordings from our live shows we have to go through since N666 records wants to release a digital live album, which sounds fun, but we are also closing in on the rehearsal stage for the next full-lengther… We will see where it ends. New stuff in 2022 is the goal anyway.

Are you doing any live shows in 2022?

 Hopefully, yes. Nothing booked yet, and some of us have other obligations in the festival season that takes some time preparing, but we are definitely up for some metal mayhem on stage if possible.

 You describe yourselves as Satanic; playing black/thrash metal. This, for some, conjures up

all kinds of sterotypes. How would YOU describe yourselves and your beliefs?

 Apart from being the perfect subject for metal lyrics, satanism also provides a possibility to make people think, to speak about the morality of mankind and all the choices we face as individuals everyday. We see it as a moral compass.

How do they affect your music?

 As mentioned, we, with our lyrics, try to make a stand. We present a way of life, a way of measuring up to what you face, and by doing that you have to make the music fit. We think it does.

Is there anything else you'd like say to your fans out there?

 Nothing more than that we would really like to see you on the road some day. Never miss out on the chances you get and raise your glass high and hail Satan!


1 comment:

Hi and thanks for your input!


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