ROX Radio


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Album Review: Demise of The Crown- Life in the City

Demise of the Crown
Life in the City

Available 2020 on digital platforms

Canadian three-piece outfit Demise of the Crown have released an 11 track album that successfully blends many different sounds and genres of metal into one, cohesive and great album.

At times, progressive, others pure metal, others post metal in nature, "Life in the City" is a non-stop metal fest. With Kevin Alexander's complex rhythm patterns, amazing guitar histronics by Manuel Iradian and the vocals by Darren Beadman are wide ranging from gutteral growls to high pitched melodic metal clear vocals, this album is a great listen.
From the aggressive opener "Dying Heat" to the end's title track "Life in the City" this is a good example of modern metal. Powerful production also helps here giving the songs a deep, aggressive yet melodic sound.
Well worth a listen! 7/10

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